Freedom to Flourish
Freedom to Flourish is a mentoring program that utilizes equine assisted activities, crafts, assignments, horsemanship skills, etc. to help individuals achieve life skills that will promote healthy relationship and provide overall well-being.
The participant will be teamed up with a mentor and "their" horse for 1 hour each week. They will have their own brush bag for grooming their horse. An individualized plan that focuses on strengths and challenges is used to help choose activities as well as monitor progress.
Poor communication and self-esteem are common problems in our youth, especially if they have experienced trauma or neglect. Communication between parents (or adult clients), mentor and program director is ongoing to promote reaching both short and long term goals.

Mentor Form
As a mentor, you will have the opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life course.
There is some training before you begin. You will need to be willing to commit to the same hour each week to work with your participant.
To apply to become a mentor, fill out the form below and return it to us.
Who can benefit?
This type of programming has been shown to be very beneficial for those in the following categories, to name just a few:
Children in foster care or who have been adopted
Individuals who are emotionally disconnected
Those with Depression and Anxiety
Someone dealing with grief
Individuals suffering from PTSD
Benefits of this program
Increase self-worth
Promotes accountability/responsibility
Promotes emotional/social awareness
Teaches appropriate boundaries
Promotes independence
Strengthens problem-solving skills
Encourages adaptability
Gives clients a relaxed environment to learn coping skills
Promotes trust in self/others
Increases self-confidence