Our Services
Bright Star Ranch offers many services and programs to our clients with specific design plans to improve quality of life and life-changing therapy to meet the needs of each individual participant.
Our services include equine assisted activities that utilizes groundwork lessons with our equines that are specifically geared to meet the need that our participants come to us with. This includes grooming, feeding, tacking and leading horses; working through interactive games of all varieties that are then related to life skills and how to apply them. We utilize this format in our Freedom to Flourish program that consists of working with a wide range of mental/social/emotional needs as well as the Connecting in the Moment portion that is geared towards individuals with Alzheimer's/Dementia.
We also have therapeutic riding lessons for individuals with specific disabilities that can benefit physically from the movement that a horse gives as input to our muscular and nervous systems. We even have a special program called the Silver Star Riders which is geared towards our senior participants who are needs help with mobility, balance, chronic joint pain. For those that are apprehensive about being on a horse or have contraindications that prohibit them from riding, we have individual and group classes on our Equicizer, which offers the same type of movement, exercise and physical benefits.
Our therapeutic services benefit a variety of people with learning disabilities, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, hearing and speech impairments, autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays, depression/anxiety, Stroke/CVA, emotional challenges, paralysis, visual impairment, victims of a variety of trauma, and more.
For those who just have a love for horses and want to be around them, we have been doing our best to create some activities that offer opportunities for you to come and enjoy our horses too and we have done just that! While our therapeutic services take precedence, we have opened a group class on one afternoon each week for kids ages 5-8 to come and participate in learning all the things they need to know to safely be around and handle horses. Our Rising Riders program will prepare your child with the skills they need in order to become a great rider in the future. Once they are at least 8 years old, they will be at the age to participate in our Red Riders program and take individual riding lessons, if our schedule permits.
Field trips and group activities are available for schools, girl/boy scouts, 4H, clubs and organizations, corporate team building, etc. and are tailored to the group's ages, abilities and needs.
Keep an eye out, because we're not done! We are hoping to bring another program to life next year!!!
Click below to find out how you can become a part of the experience at Bright Star Ranch.
Therapeutic Riding
Therapeutic riding is a program specifically for people with physical/neurological
disabilities. These lessons require a doctor's approval/release in order to participate.

Group Activities &
Field Trips
Group activities and field trips are available for clubs & organizations of all kinds, including corporate team building. Please contact us for scheduling, at least 1 month in advance.